Early Grey Morning


2oz Earl grey infused gin
.75oz Fresh lemon juice
1oz Simple syrup
1 egg white

*Lemon peel + Earl grey tea atomizer

If you are a fan of earl grey tea and want to use your loose leaf for more than just your morning tea… this is the drink for you. I have an earl grey tea most days and was excited to infuse the loose leaf with a classic gin.

This cocktail is a sour, as it made up of a spirit, lemon, simple, and egg white. The first step to this drink is infusing the gin with earl grey tea. The recipe can be found on our site by clicking here. Once the gin is infused, you can make your gin sour! … or Early Grey Morning.

1. Add tea infused gin, lemon, simple syrup, and 1 egg white to shaker.
2. Dry shake for 10 seconds.
3. Add ice cubes and shake till frosted.
4. Strain into coupe.
5. Express lemon peel over drink
6. Spray earl grey atomizer over drink.
7. Garnish with lemon peel.

The atomizer step at the end adds a wonderful aroma to the drink, but will not break the drink if you do not own an atomizer. The drink has a lot of earl grey flavors and the atomizer is just the last 2%.


Summer Shack


Vieux Carre